Matthew Gray Writes: My Restaurant Pet Peeves

We all hate the way staffers hover near our tables.  It’s as if they’re being paid by the plate – or by the irritant value associated with removing one’s plate when there’s still a bite or two…or some sauce, still remaining.  Not only that, they hardly ever ask if you are finished, or if they do, their hand has already made contact with your plate.  They’ll remove plates whenever they can, not bothering to wait for all the patrons to be finished.  This is perhaps not the rule, but it does occur all too often.

When my glass is handled or picked-up anywhere above the middle.  I have witnessed way too many times glassware being handled at the top, or around the rim, where your mouth goes.  YUCK!  Ditto on the way my plates are handled.


I despise being advised to “keep my fork & knife” when plates are being cleared.  Sorry kids, take the used silverware and bring me clean utensils NOW!

Up-selling.  When I order the glass of $10 tawny port, do not tell me that the 40-year old vintage port at $30 is to die for.

I do not like when the waiter comes to your table and doles out the Parmesan cheese like it was Krugerrands.  Give us all a break and bring us a dish of the stuff. 

When a staffer recites the “specials” and opts not to tell the prices.  I find this practice amongst the most dishonest and deceptive in the restaurant industry.

Matthew Gray's Restaurant Pet Peeves

Removing the bread basket before the entrees are served.  What is that all about?!?

Do not tell me to “save room for dessert.”  I have been eating my entire life.

Know your food!  Understand how it is prepared, what ingredients are used, and its general flavoring characteristics.  Be able to answer my questions – – or get someone over to my table who can.

Don’t kiss-up at the last minute, after an evening of mediocre service, hoping to get a great tip.

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